Singing Guide: The Stone Roses

Singing Guide: The Stone Roses

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

About The Stone Roses

The Stone Roses are an iconic British band known for their unique sound that combines elements of indie, rock, and dance music. The band's frontman, Ian Brown, is known for his distinctive vocal style that is often described as a mix of low-key spoken word and punk rock shouting.

Learning how to sing like Ian Brown

  1. Study Ian Brown's vocal style. To start learning how to sing like Ian Brown, it's important to listen closely to his vocal style. Some key elements to focus on include his use of spoken word, his distinctive, rough-edged tone, and the way he punctuates his lyrics with frequent shouts and exclamations.

  2. Keep it loose. One of the hallmarks of Ian Brown's vocal style is a sense of looseness and casualness. Rather than striving for perfection, try to embrace a more laid-back, improvisational style when singing his songs.

  3. Emphasis on rhythm. When you listen to The Stone Roses' music, it's clear that rhythm is a huge part of what makes their songs so catchy and memorable. To emulate Ian Brown's unique vocal style, try to focus on the rhythmic aspects of his singing and pay close attention to how he interacts with the beat.

  4. Use falsetto. Although Ian Brown is best known for his gruff, shouting delivery, he also uses falsetto in many of his songs. When singing Stone Roses tunes, experiment with using a higher, more delicate tone to achieve a sound that's similar to Brown's.

  5. Explore The Stone Roses catalogue. Finally, the best way to learn how to sing like Ian Brown is to spend some time immersing yourself in The Stone Roses' vast catalogue of music. Some of their most popular songs that showcase Brown's unique vocal style include "I Wanna Be Adored," "Fool's Gold," "She Bangs the Drums," and "Waterfall."

Resources for improving your singing

The Stone Roses' Popular Songs

  • I Wanna Be Adored
  • Fool's Gold
  • She Bangs the Drums
  • Waterfall

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